Your name was whispered before you were born,
And out from the mist your image took form.
The Spirit of Life had begun its quest,
To learn of itself through the ultimate test:
A Being Of Light set free in creation,
To master the gift of imagination!
-Mike Dooley


Biography Work


When we are born, we come here on earth with certain gifts, the special one being the gift of forgetting and the ability to remember. This gets us closer to who we are.

Forgetting ~ You might wonder, how is it a gift? When we are up above, we are one as a whole. As we come down, we gradually forget our true identity and lose this sense of wholeness. This forgetting is a gift so that we could understand ourselves at a deeper level.

Remembering ~ Through remembering we reconnect to our soul to bring back our true identity and experience the wholeness once again. Interestingly this comes through trauma, trials, karma, illness, unhappiness etc. This is the journey we need to take to experience love, joy, freedom and liberation. It is kind of a lemniscate where we go back and forth and little by little arrive to the state of full consciousness and oneness which is our true divine nature.

This makes our life the greatest mystery of existence where human being is the riddle himself. Biography work is an attempt to solve this riddle we call life through active practice for developing self-knowledge. It is a search for meaning out of which may arise greater social understanding—deeper, genuine interest in one’s fellow man.

Unfolding Your Life’s Journey

Life is divided into 7-year phases that bring a sense of gratitude and awakening towards life. Going down the memory lane and recapitulating the events relating to them, with the present life itself, is a healing process. That process motivates us to live consciously and purposefully. Sometimes, it gives us an insight into who we are and what is the destiny of our life.

Gender and Identity

Has it ever occurred to you that meeting someone was not a random or accidental experience? That it was predetermined? Why do we feel drawn to one person and averse to another? How did I end up here? How do I carry this relationship forward? What are the dynamics at work? What are the shifting landscapes of gender and these gender revolutions that we’re constantly coming across nowadays? These are some of the great mysteries of human life, that will be discussed in this part of the course.

Book an Appointment

Book an appointment with DR. KIRANMAYI S. BAPI whenever you’re in need of counselling related to emotional distress, relationships, grief and bereavement, parenting, adolescent issues and challenges of the young adult, in addition to distress, disturbance and development level of clinical disorders.

Relationships and My Role

What is the process involved in making or breaking a relationship? How do we know when a relationship can be ended or what elements are missing in the relationship that can make it work? What are the indications of a healthy relationship? This topic provides an opportunity to re-examine the fabric of our relationships and helps us in redesigning or transforming them to a different level.

The Significance of Patterns in Life

This throws light on different patterns of life that we engage in, thereby, igniting the spark of reflection and empowering us to break free from patterns. How do the cosmos and the planets influence us? How to harmonize my qualities so that I become a wonderful human being?


Conflicts and encounters, and their role and significance in one’s life, enables one to understand their origin and deal with them. Dealing with conflict takes us to a different realm of consciousness. When we make conflict and the process conscious, we grow immensely.

Essence of Life Trials

This workshop enables one to understand the trials of life – water, air and fire. What is the quality of each of these trials and how to recognize them in the day-to-day events that we face? Becoming aware of the quality and purpose of each trial and grasping their necessity, strengthens each of us to cope better with life.

Biographical Analyst

If participants would like to become a biographical analyst, they could attend an additional day or two at the end of each module to receive additional training to analyze the biographies of individuals. Completion of this course leads to the National Certificate of Biographical Analyst.